“My greatest wish is that each person will come away from a reading with a feeling that there is, in fact, something after this, that our loved ones are still very present in our lives and we will meet up with them again. Love is forever."
Mediumship consists of making a connection or link with those who have passed away. The Medium is simply the bridge between two worlds. Many people have had experiences that suggest contact with the other side, and it’s widely believed that all human beings can make this kind of connection. Mediums possess the additional ability to act as a kind of go-between, receiving information from the deceased loved ones of others, interpreting these communications and passing them along to living friends and relatives. Mediums are sometimes known as psychic mediums, intuitive mediums or spiritual mediums.
Many mediums believe that mediumship is an innate ability we are all born with, and it is up to each individual to unfold it. It is a lifelong journey of unfoldment. At the same time recognizing that mediumship does require training, practice and experience to reach its full potential.
Healing and Peace
Most mediums are driven by the wish to offer healing experiences that can benefit both the living and those on the other side. Mediumship can offer a new awareness, understanding and a larger perspective. It may help to see for yourself that a passing isn’t final, and that you can remain connected with loved ones in a different, but still meaningful and real way. Even if you start out with a skeptical attitude, you could end up discovering a new sense of openness, a willingness to consider the idea that perhaps these connections might be possible.
Most mediums feel that the individuals who connect with you in a reading are the ones who were meant to come through—and are those who have the strongest desire and need to make contact. It’s very common to hear messages such as “I’m OK,” “My pain is gone,” and other similar reassurances. Your loved ones have seen your grief and concern and would like you to know that everything’s all right with them. They also might want to deliver a last “I love you,” or send a message of forgiveness that they didn’t have time to express in life. By participating in a mediumship reading, you’re making it possible for your loved ones to experience deep healing as well.
A mediumship reading is not a replacement for grief counseling. Please always seek the proper care for your individual circumstance.
Interpreting the Messages
Mediums receive information in a variety of ways from those who have passed. But the process isn’t like having a regular conversation. It takes a lot of energy and effort from the other side to get information across, and the messages are usually in some sort of symbolic or abbreviated form. In readings, mediums are constantly interpreting what they see, hear, feel, etc., according to various symbols and other types of communication that they’ve learned to recognize and identify. As a result, your reading might not go as quickly and perfectly as the ones you might have seen on television—where producers delete the slow or uneven parts and just show viewers the end result.
To help clarify the symbolism, a medium might ask, “Does that make sense?” or “Do you understand that?” For example, the medium might have been shown a candle, which to her has usually meant a birthday is coming up. But what if the person who passed is your grandmother, who happened to be a candle maker? In this case, your grandmother is attempting to identify herself to you in a very practical way. So, it might take the medium a minute or two to switch from her usual symbolic interpretation to a more straightforward explanation of what’s coming through.
In addition, messages that don’t seem to mean anything to you might be significant to a close friend or relative. For example, a message might refer to a funny event that you don’t know about or a discussion that took place when you weren’t around. Mediums often recommend keeping notes during the reading, both for your own recollection later, and to do a little investigating if something doesn’t quite click during the reading itself.
Before visiting with a medium, also check to see if they provide evidential (also called evidence-based) readings. If so, they’ll typically request that you refrain from providing any information before each reading. All the details will come from your loved ones on the other side, increasing your confidence in the process, and helping to confirm the identities of those who are coming through.
Attuning to The Other Side
Mediums attune to the other side and can sense the presence of spirit. Those in the spirit world, home, or heaven, function at a much higher frequency, a frequency of love. At the same time, each person who comes through communicates in a unique way, depending on the individual characteristics they displayed in life.
Most people have the ability to connect with their loved ones who have passed, but often can’t sense these higher vibrations or the details that mediums receive. Mediumship readings might help to unlock some doors, though, potentially offering you new insights into how to remain connected to those on the other side.
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